Among the methods of advertising and promoting businesses, including online shops, content marketing occupies a special place. This tool does not bring immediate results, but it can be very effective in the long run. With the help of content, you can not only fill your website with useful information, but also promote your shop. This in turn will help to attract customers. We spoke to the specialists at Arabesco Sideral about how to work with content.
Content marketing is articles, videos, guides, newsletters, news, cases and in general all useful and interesting informative, entertaining, educational and other materials. Content marketing attracts new users, converts audiences into buyers and buyers into loyal customers. You can also use content marketing to retain existing customers.
Where to post content
One place to post content is in the 'Blog' section of the website. It is good if this content is indexed by search engines and attracts traffic. To do this, it needs to be tailored to people's searches. In other words, your publications should first and foremost be aimed at satisfying users' interests.
Content can be useful as well as entertaining. It should be posted on social media and promoted so that as many people as possible can see it. Don't expect people to find it on their own. Gone are the days when social media content will gain popularity on its own. Now you have to invest in promotion.
How to work with content. Useful tips
Multi-channel. You can post the same video on several platforms: YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc. The same goes for texts. The same article can be posted on the shop's website, on different social networks, and used to create a video script for use in mailings.
Content matrix. This is a tool that helps you to find topics for publications and to maintain a balance between different types of content. It is a kind of constructor in which you combine different parameters of future texts. The matrices may look different, but the aim is the same: to help you generate relevant content.
Study your customers' needs and concerns. Analyse what they write in comments and reviews, talk to your managers to find out what customers are worried about, conduct surveys among customers themselves. Then make a plan to publish content on these topics.
Sneak content from your competitors. If you don't have enough content ideas, look at what your competitors are doing. Analyse which videos, images and posts get the most views, reposts and likes. Take those themes into account.
The 'Slippery Slide'. Joseph Sugerman, an American marketer and copywriter, developed a technique called the 'Slippery Slide Method'. Its essence is to create conditions in which a person will not just read a few sentences and close the page, but will roll your text down like a slide without having a chance to stop reading.
The result
To understand whether content marketing is working, you need to analyse metrics and examine visitor and subscriber behaviour. The results of your content efforts will be seen in the long term. Content marketing can act as the top of the sales funnel: it's how people find out about your store, get interested and gradually make a purchase. For example, a person read your article three months ago, visited your website, came back to read new material, studied the product range and bought something on the third visit.