Opening your own business is a very responsible step. Before making the decision, the future entrepreneur spends more than a day gathering information, analysing it, planning, calculating, etc. However, in this cycle, a person forgets some points that could simplify the process of preparing to start a business. Today, on the Arabesco blog, we are going to talk about some nuances that dropshippers should take into account.
Finding a profitable product
Everyone knows how important it is to find a product that is in demand and will generate income. However, many dropshippers spend too much time looking for such a product. All because they tend to make the process more complicated.
There is a fairly simple way to find your first profitable product. Browse social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok and look for advertisements for products that you think solve problems and meet people's needs. Of course, your opinion alone is not enough to identify the product that will bring you your first good earnings. It is important to find confirmation that the product is being actively bought. And you need to do this before you decide to include the product in your online shop. How do you check? Analyse your competitors' advertising on social networks. Look at the number of views, the number of likes, the date of publication. If you find advertising material with high indicators, it means that the product is popular and actively promoted.

Take your time
People often find a cool product, launch it, see that it doesn't make any money and quickly remove it from the catalogue. Try to stick to the decision you made. You don't want to abandon a product after a few days if it's still being promoted by competitors and solving people's problems. If you keep jumping from one product to another, you could end up wasting your entire start-up budget without promoting a single product.
Setting up an online shop takes a lot of time and attention. A budding entrepreneur can get bogged down by the number of issues he or she has to deal with. Especially if they are all being solved at the same time.
You need to learn how to prioritise. Make a list of tasks and number them according to their importance and urgency. Do everything one step at a time and stick to the deadlines you set. Doing several things at once will only delay the process of building your business. Decide on all the important issues and minor adjustments can be made while the business is running.

Learn how to create great ads
If you want to be successful in dropshipping, learn how to create great ads. You need to pay close attention to your promotional materials. If your creative doesn't respond to the trends of the market you're targeting, you may not make any profit at all. Finding a profitable product is of course very important, but marketing is just as important.
Using Facebook's Ad Library or other specialist services, you can check how your competitors are using advertising. Analyse what techniques they use, why their copy, images and videos work well and make notes. Decide which of these techniques you could use. Also study the advertising campaigns of well-known brands. Analyse why their videos work well. Take a leaf out of their book.
Beginning dropshippers often take videos from suppliers to create their advertising creatives. To stand out from the crowd, the ads need to be properly played, edited and enhanced with something of your own. It is often easier to create your own video than to edit what your partner provides. It also happens that business owners use their competitors' creative for their own purposes. In this case, they risk being blocked on the social networks where they distribute their adverts.
Best practice for you: order a product for yourself and start making promotional videos. Publish them on Tiktok and see what happens. It's unlikely that you will create great sales videos on your first try. Practice, analyse, tweak and over time you will create some really cool advertising creative.