SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is the process of optimising the pages of a website to bring it to the top of the search results. A new article from Arabesco Sideral company will give you an understanding of what SEO is, how it works, when to perform search engine optimisation and most importantly - how it can benefit you. Let's talk about SEO in simple words.

How search engines interact with websites
You have created your online shop and published the site on the Internet. The search engine has seen it, its robots have checked all the pages of the site. In the case of an online shop, this could be products, their descriptions, photos, etc. The information obtained as a result of scanning, the search engine entered into its database. With the help of certain algorithms, the search engine determined the page ranking of your site.
The scheme of interaction between a search engine and a website looks like this:
publication of the site on the Internet;
checking the web resource by search engine robots;
determination of the rating of the site pages;
indexing pages by the search engine;
demonstration in search results.
When a person enters a query into the search bar, such as ‘buy a smartphone’, he or she expects to get the information he or she is interested in, not pictures of kittens or dogs. The search engine after receiving the query analyses all the internet pages in its memory, determines which one is better and shows them to the user according to the quality of the pages.
In order for the search engine to see and understand your site correctly, it needs to be optimised for the search engine. Without this, the site will be at the back of the search results, said the professionals of dropshipping Arabesco Sideral.
Bringing sites to the top of the search results is exactly what an SEO-specialist does. It is possible to optimise individual pages of the site, but not the entire resource. This is the correct methodology in SEO: you do not need to make unnecessary movements, it is worth focusing on what brings benefits and users who pay money for goods.

SEO: is it necessary or not?
The answer to this question is quite simple. Let's say you intend to thoroughly and for a long period of time to develop your business on the Internet, invest in it, in the future you want to scale it - then SEO you just need. If you do not intend to work in this niche for a long time, and just want to make money quickly, for example, on the sale of a few products, then your efforts are better directed towards paid search advertising and promotion in social networks. SEO is a long game, you need to invest money and time in optimisation. It will pay off in about a year.
It is necessary to start working with SEO at the stage of site development, said marketers Arabesco Sideral. This way you will save time and money. By laying the right foundation, you will save 3-6 months and the money that can go to change the site after consultation with SEO-specialists. It is better to consult and implement basic optimisation measures already at the initial stage. Thanks to this, your site from the start will be better indexed by the search engine and will be prepared for further optimisation.